Olympic Sports Names in Chinese

2016 Rio Olympic Games is with us now. Are there any sports that you like to watch? Do you know how to say those words in Chinese? On this page, we have put together a list of all the sports names in mandarin Chinese.

Olympic sports Chinese names

Olympic Sports

Words Pinyin Translation
射箭 shè jiàn Archery
马术 mǎ shù Equestrian
现代五项 xiàn dài wǔ xiànɡ Modern Pentathlon
铁人三项 tiě rén sān xiànɡ Triathlon
跆拳道 tái quán dào Taekwondo
田径 tián jìnɡ Athletics
击剑 jī jiàn Fencing
网球 wǎnɡ qiú Tennis
羽毛球 yǔ máoqiú Badminton
乒乓球 pīnɡ pānɡ qiú Table Tennis
足球 zú qiú Football
篮球 lán qiú Basketball
帆船 fān chuán Sailing
排球 pái qiú Volleyball
高尔夫 ɡāo ěr fū Golf
射击 shè jī Shooting
皮划艇 pí huá tǐnɡ Canoeing
体操 tǐ cāo Gymnastics
游泳 yóu yǒnɡ Swimming
举重 jǔ zhònɡ Weightlifting
自行车 zì xínɡ chē Cycling
手球 shǒu qiú Handball
花样游泳 huā yànɡ yóu yǒnɡ Synchronised Swimming
跳水 tiào shuǐ Diving
摔跤 shuāi jiāo Wrestling
柔道 róu dào Judo
曲棍球 qū ɡùn qiú Hockey
赛艇 sài tǐnɡ Rowing

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