Months of Year in Mandarin Chinese

"Month" in Mandarin is called 月, yuè. Like days of the week in Chinese, the 12 months of the year are also numbered in a sequent order. So, if you have mastered Chinese numbers, it will be much easier for you to read Chinese calendar.

12 Months in Chinese

12 Months in Chinese

Months of Year in Chinese

一 月 yī yuè January
二 月 èr yuè February
三 月 sān yuè March
四 月 sì yuè April
五 月 wǔ yuè May
六 月 liù yuè June
七 月 qī yuè July
八 月 bā yuè August
九 月 jiǔ yuè September
十 月 shí yuè October
十一 月 shíyī yuè November
十二 月 shíèr yuè December

How to Read Chinese Calendar

First, we need to learn these Chinese characters in order to read Chinese calendar.








In Chinese, 日()and 号(hào)have the same meaning, but 号 is more often used in spoken Chinese.

To ask what the date it is, the sentence follows this pattern:

jīntiān shì jǐ yuè jǐ hào?



jīntiān shì duō shǎo hào?


To answer what date it is, the sentence follows this pattern:

jīntiān shì ...

今天是 (…年…月…号)。


  • In Chinese, you tell dates from big unit to small unit, thus the order year-month-day.
  • Sometimes when it is obvious to know which year and month it is, we simply say the “day”.
  • About "year", you read the numbers on each digit separately instead of reading them as a whole.
  • e.g.


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