干(gān)杯(bēi) Bottom up!

Bottom Up

Chinese people are hospitable好(hào)客(kè), especially at dinner. The feelings and emotions are fully expressed when they are toasting each other. In many places of China, people welcome the guests with wine, which will help create a warm and harmonious atmosphere when old friends gather together.

The“Bottom Up”is a custom popular in both North and South China. When the dinner begins, the host will first deliver a short speech and then begin the first round of toasting敬(jìng)酒(jiǔ). The host will bottom up the wine in the up as a symbol of respect for the guests. If the guests failed to return the toast in the same way, it would be considered as disrespectful, therefore the guests also need to bottom up. Of course, the guests can also toast each other.

Being punctual 准(zhǔn)时(shí) to a dinner or a party is advised because the person late will be punished by bottoming up three cups before the feast begins. This is called 先(xiān)罚(fá)三(sān)杯(bēi) in Chinese language. In Chinese culture, the more wine the guests drink, the happier the host will be and Chinese people tend to urge the guests 客(kè)人(rén) to drink more even they are heavily drunk, especially in some ethnic groups such as the Mongolian group. The Mongolians usually drink wine held in a bowl and sing and dance until the guests are all drunk and fall asleep.

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