狐假虎威 (hú jiǎ hǔ wēi)

Words Meaning Recording

wéi bèi


to disobey

to fear


to flee

xiōnɡ měnɡ




to hide



A tiger caught a fox while it was searching food in the forest. When the tiger was just about to eat it, the fox suddenly spoke: “Mr. Tiger, no hurries. Please listen to me. I was sent by Heaven to rule the animals. By eating me, you will violate the command of Heaven. ” The tiger was half in belief and half in doubt. Then the fox continued: “If you don’t believe me, just follow me to see whether the animals are afraid of me.” The tiger thought it was better to give it a try and followed the fox through the forest.

Two spotted deer immediately ran away on seeing them; Rabbits and sheep also disappeared at once when they say the fox and the tiger; Even the wild boar and bear hid. The tiger didn’t realize that it was him that the beasts were really afraid of and let go of the fox.

This idiom 狐假虎威 is a story about "The Fox Assuming the Majesty of the Tiger". It is used to refer to those who bully or frighten others by relying on other people’s power.


xiǎoɡǒu kàndào zhǔrén zài shēnbiān, mǎshànɡ hújiǎhǔwēi de chònɡ dàɡǒu jiàoqǐlái.

小狗 看到 主人 在 身边,马上 狐假虎威 地 冲 大狗 叫起来。

After seeing that his master was behind him, the puppy began yelling at the big dog.

zhànɡzhe tābàbɑ hěnyǒuqián, tā zhěnɡtiān zài wǒmen miànqián hújiǎhǔwēi.

仗着 他爸爸 很有钱, 他 整天 在 我们 面前 狐假虎威。

He always shows off in front of us relying on his rich dad.

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