Chinese Quiz


             Michael, nǐ zài kàn shénme?
Jessica: Michael, 你 在 看 什么?
            nǐ kàn xiǎolì de zhàopiàn duō hǎokàn!
Michael:你 看 小丽 的    照片     多   好看!
              nǐ búyào wànɡméizhǐkě le, nǐ xǐhuɑn de xiǎolì qùnián
Jessica: 你 不要     望梅止渴   了,你喜欢     的 小丽   去年
             yǐjīnɡ jiéhūn le.
             已经 结婚 了。

Question: What does Jessica mean by saying “望梅止渴”?

       A. Jessica let Michael to look at the plums rather than thinking about Xiao Li.

       B. Jessica let Michael to buy plums for Xiao Li, because she is thirsty.

       C. Jessica let Michael to marry Xiao Li.

       D. Jessica let Michael to stop day dreaming.

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