Chinese Quiz


                 zuìjìn hǎo fán ā!
 Xiao Mei: 最近 好 烦 啊!
                zěnme le?
Zhou Yan: 怎么 了?
                nǐ shuō, wǒ yàoshì jiéhūn le, wǒ lǎoɡōnɡ duì wǒ bùhǎo
 Xiao Mei: 你说,我   要是   结婚 了,我   老公   对 我   不好
                zěnmebàn ā?
                怎么办 啊?
                bié dānxīn, búhuì de.
Zhou Yan: 别 担心,不会 的。
                yàoshì tā zhǎo xiǎosān zěnmebàn ā?
 Xiao Mei: 要是  他  找     小三     怎么办 啊?
                bié qǐrényōutiān le!nǐ xiànzài hái méiyǒu nán pénɡyou ne!
Zhou Yan: 别 杞人忧天 了!  你   现在 还   没有   男 朋友 呢!

Q: Can you guess the meaning of “杞人忧天” in Chinese?

       A. to have unnecessary worries

       B. to have imaginary and groundless fears

       C. to feel sad about the sky

       D. the sky makes a man named “杞人” sad

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