Chinese Idioms

揠苗助长(yà miáo zhù zhǎnɡ)

Help the Crops Grow by Pulling Them Upward

Chinese Idioms

滥竽充数(làn yú chōnɡ shù)

Pretend to play the Yu to Make up the Number

Chengyu story

一诺千金 (yí nuò qiān jīn)

His Promise is Weightier Than One Thousand Bars of Gold

Chengyu story

叶公好龙 (yè ɡōnɡ hǎo lónɡ)

Lord Ye Professed to Love Dragons

Chengyu story

指鹿为马 (zhǐ lù wéi mǎ)

Point to a deer, call it a horse

Chengyu story

杞人忧天 (qǐ rén yōu tiān)

A man in the ancient Qi State was haunted by the fear that the sky might fall

Chengyu story

望梅止渴 (wànɡ méi zhǐ kě)

Quench One's Thirst by Thinking of Plums

Chengyu story

背水一战 (bèi shuǐ yí zhàn)

Fight with one's back against the river

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